modular house

Difference Between Modular Houses and Portable Office Cabins

There has been a growing popularity of portable cabins for business purposes. However, this is not where the cabins are limited. It is soon to become a trend that people will be using a modular house for personal reasons as well. Well, before getting one, it can be useful to understand more about these portable cabins.

What is a Portable Cabin?

To define in simple terms, a portacabin or a portable cabin is a portable building is a temporary design that is built to be mobile rather than located permanently. These can be built for professional purposes as well as personal purposes such as going on a road trip, or setting up a camp for a few days. The portacabin cost will also differ as per the requirement that has been specified to the portable cabin supplier.

If the specifications are considered, there is a minor difference between a mobile home and a modular home. Mobile homes are the ones that are already built and can be transported to the place of choice without the necessary requirement of any additional assembly. On the other hand, a modular home is built and assembled with the given modules. This assembly is done near to the site where the portacabin is to be placed and is then transported to the place wherever desired. Steel building manufacturers also prefer modular more often. These houses are convenient as it is not necessarily required to carry the completely built cabin which can cause the carrier to be slow and mandate more space. Parts of the house can easily be transported and assembled like assembling a doll house or solving a jigsaw puzzle.

There is a similar concept to portable office cabins to homes. A prefabricated office is the kind that is assembled near the site of work and then shifted to the place where it is supposed to exist. The prefabricated houses cost is also variable based on such several aspects.

Portable Office Cabin

A container for site office is constructed for several reasons. These can be built for the purpose of carrying out important and urgent meetings near the site, or for a place of refreshment for the people working at the site or for any other such purposes. A portable office cabin is comparatively smaller and the rooms are precise and plain. These are not exactly very fancy or have a lot of accessory features as it is supposed to be more professional than homely. Office cabins can also have air conditioners and even portable toilet manufacturers take an interest in these cabins. Additional facilities shall again depend on the need of the customer.

Useful Features of Portable Office Cabin

Several features and customizations can make the portacabins quite useful and convenient to use. H beams are an essential feature, however, there are more such features to portacabins. Well, H beam manufacturers are quite rare stillm The commonality of these will vary as per the type of portacabin that is being built. Some of the known and useful features are as follows:

Colour Coated Sheets

This is one of the basic features that is incorporated in the portacabins. It is surely known that rust can destroy the metal and degrade its quality. A coating of colour is given on the metal sheets to prevent them from corroding and rusting. It is also important to find the right colour coated sheets manufacturers.

Solar Panels

Sun is everywhere you go. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that can always be utilized. Solar panel structure in portacabins can help in the powering the utilities in the house. This includes heating water, powering the electronics in the house, and others. These also do not add much to the expense when it comes to prefabricated houses cost in Bangalore.

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